Pregnancy Week Nutrition

First of all, women who are mothers before the age of 18 are affected by the weight because they have not completed their own growth period yet. Therefore, despite the deterioration of the health balance of every mother, an effective nutrition practice is necessary with a general education. This is what we call effective nutrition; Every food that a pregnant woman takes in her / his nutrition is involved in the development of various organs of the baby. It also prevents the deterioration of health balance. Therefore, each group of food should be taken at certain places.


1 week during pregnancy is not yet pregnant. You can learn that you are pregnant from 3rd week onwards. From the moment you learn, you have to pay attention to your nutrition. During the normal pregnancy period, there is no concept of feeding at the week, and diet programs are not normally recommended. However, if there is a disease, this is possible under the control of your doctor. In addition, regular feeding is required during pregnancy. Attention should be paid to weight gain in the normal range.

1 Week: Firstly, if you use cigarette and alcohol or similar substances from this week, you should definitely leave and consume milk products. Milk consumption should continue throughout the pregnancy. 2 cups of milk a day or a bowl of yogurt, two slices of cheese must be eaten. Dairy products are selective and the healthiest one is important for every health. If you are using ready-made milk, it is recommended to drink daily milk without boiling (cow). Regularity of your feeding time also plays an important role in the development of the baby. You may experience decreased appetite or increased appetite during pregnancy. Don’t restrict yourself or exaggerate your meal yem Just feed on a regular basis.

Your layout should be as follows;
1 cup of milk,
1 egg,
1 slice of cheese,
1 medium slice of bread,
1 tomato, 1 cucumber, parsley, green pepper etc.

Any fruit + 1 cup ayran + 1 thin slice bread

Serving 1 portion of meat
1 serving of rice or pasta
1 cup of buttermilk
1 portion of salad
1 medium slice of bread, 1 fruit

1 slice of bread + 1 slice of cheese + tomato, cucumber + 1 fruit

1 portion of meat, fish, chicken
1 serving of olive oil
1 cup of buttermilk,
1 portion of salad, 1 slice of bread

1 cup of milk and 1 small bowl of yogurt if you eat. But don’t restrict yourself.
1 fruit, milk dessert etc. if you choose light foods.

After 28 weeks of pregnancy, your baby’s calcium needs will be evident. Taking calcium is more important for the mother. Because when calcium depleted, no problem for the baby, you can use calcium in your bones. However, there may be bone resorption in the mother. Do not forget to consume milk during pregnancy.

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